Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lost and Found

When the calendar turned another page and 2011 was staring me in the face, I couldn't help but ponder the previous year and the passions forgotten or left untouched as busyness got in the way. Reflecting as most do on the successes and failures of another year come and gone, I longed for a tangible (and tasty, so it turns out) New Year's Resolution.

Two passions were waiting on the sidelines and wanting to be part of the action this year. So with that in mind, 2011 will commence a journey tastefully combining some writing (a passion I often neglect) and some cooking (a hobby for which I recently discovered an appetite.)

Whether it's foolish or too ambitious or already been done, this year I am starting this blog for me. "Sabroso" is one of my favorite words in Spanish. It captures quite the sentiment when used.

"Un gusto sabroso" means "Savory taste" and most commonly refers to something coming out of the kitchen. However, sabroso can also be applied to a stylish wardrobe or even a person who's "easy on the eyes."

To capture "un gusto sabroso" in 2011, I am pioneering this blog as a place to record my New Year's Resolution: Make a new recipe every week and write a litle blurb discussing its success or failure (hopefully not too many of the latter) as I share my table with amigos and people I love.

Though cooking has never been my specialty and writing seemed to be a passion lost; 2011 is taking the lost and making it found.

Tastefully so.

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