Saturday, March 19, 2011

#10 Saturday Morning Pancakes

There's something liberating about not setting an alarm clock. The alarm clock doesn't bother me most mornings as I honestly enjoy the tranquility of the mornings, however there is something wonderful about not waking up to the beeping clock and not having much on the agenda.

For that reason, I absolutely adore Saturday mornings. I don't set the alarm yet still have somewhat of a routine. An ambitious (and ideal) Saturday finds me getting my weekend 8k run out of the way as soon as possible to avoid the suffocating afternoon heat so that when I come home, I can get the coffee brewing, the tunes playing and the baking started.

This Saturday found me experimenting with my normal pancake recipe as I played with the size and flavors. And now these plate-sized flapjacks may have to take somewhat of a permanent place on the Saturday morning menu.

Saturday Morning Pancakes

1 egg
1 c. all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cup milk (maybe a little more to make the pancakes thinner)
1/8 cup vegetable oil
1 Tbsp. melted butter
1 1/2 tbsp. sugar
3/4 tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt

Yummy Saturday Morning Add-ins:
1. Sliced Bananas and Chocolate Chips
2. Chopped Apples and Cinnamon
3. Blueberries

Beat egg with hand beater until fluffy; beat in remaining ingredients until just smooth. Grease a heated griddle (or frying pan). Pour about 3 tbsp. batter from tip of large spoon or from pitcher onto hot griddle. Cook pancakes until puffed and dry around edges (tiny bubbles will begin to form). Turn and cook other sides until golden brown, flipping once. The first pancake isn't the best one. Makes about 9 4 -inch pancakes or 4 pan-size pancakes.

Buen Provecho!

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